Application of Reminiscence Therapy in Efforts to Prevent Dementia in the Elderly at UPT Social Services Tresna Werdha Blitar

Wimar Anugrah Romadhon, Suprajitno Suprajitno, Ning Arti Wulandari, RR Dewi Rahmawaty


Elderly at risk of dementia caused by decrease in cognitive function, one of the treatments that is safe with no side effects is the reminiscence therapy to increase cognitive function. The purpose of this study was to explain the reminiscence therapy on level of dementia in the elderly. The design of this study was pra experimental design. The population was elderly in PTSW Wlingi. The total sample were 15 respondents. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with the inclusion criteria of cooperative elderly, easy to communicate with and willing to become respondents. The independent variable was the reminiscence therapy which was carried out for 6 times in a week, the dependent variable was level of dementia. Data were collected using MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) questionnaires and analyzed using Paired t-test with a significance level of α ≤0.05. The reminiscence therapy to decrease level of dementia on elderly (p = 0.000). There was any significant difference between pre intervention and after intervention of the reminiscence therapy. The reminiscence therapy can improve cognitive function with dementia in the elderly. Elderly can apply the reminiscence therapy to help them memories and as support nursing intervention. The future studies could add to the respondents and determine the factors according to the characteristic of respondent


Reminiscence therapy, elderly, dementia

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